about SwimStars

Becky Adlington’s SwimStars program is available at various locations throughout the UK. The program is taught by qualified swimming instructors and includes a range of activities and games to help children develop their swimming skills. We also have a strong emphasis on water safety, ensuring that children are taught important safety skills that will keep them safe in and around the water.


backed by Becky Adlington helping children to swim.

The program was launched by Four-time Olympic Medallist, Becky Adlington in 2016. With multiple learn-to-swim companies under one umbrella, we are on a mission to get every child being able to swim 25m by the time they leave primary school.

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why chose SwimStars?

The SwimStars program is designed to be a fun and engaging way for children to learn to swim, with lessons focusing on water safety, stroke technique, and overall confidence in the water. We aim to be progressive, with children learning new skills and techniques as they progress through the levels. This helps to ensure that children are continually challenged and engaged, and that they are able to build on their existing skills.

unsure which ability checker group to choose?

Find out more about courses available delivered by our professional tutors. Becoming a swim teacher offers a career where you can make a difference, have career development and an enjoyable work environment. The possibilities are endless!

ability checker

help children gain confidence with swimming!

Our program is based in gym facilities. We have dedicated lanes for our lessons. If you have any specific questions please speak to a member of our team.

frequently asked questions

book your swimming lesson today

The programme teaches children to become competent, confident swimmers who could then make the transition a swimming club (or another aquatic discipline) should they wish to.

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